A Truck Named Koholā

We named our truck Koholā (Humpback whale) because of the significance these majestic creatures have in Hawaiian culture. In ancient times the Koholā's ivory was thought to bring mana (spiritual power) to those who carved its ivory, the jewelry itself and to the person who wore it. Usually the ivory of the Koholā was reserved for an Ali`i (Chiefs) of high rank.

In modern day tourist enjoy a good whale watching tour, however behind the scenes the locals are most excited to see their first whale of the season. I always felt the islands were more alive when the Koholā were in town. A touch of sadness in May when I hadn't seen one for a while and realized the whales had departed on their annual 6000 mile journey to Alaska.

The Hawaiian islands provide a critical breeding ground for this endangered mammal. Approximately 15,000 humpback whales are found in the island waters from November through April where they breed, and give birth to their calves.

While I was working in the Honolulu air traffic control tower I had a clear unobstructed view of the southern horizon of Oahu from 10 stories up. However those opportunities don't fill my memories of the best whale sightings. The best sightings are from times on the beach, while playing golf, or while fishing. Times when I was relaxing and able to soak in the moment. Countless times I would be driving home on Kam. Highway along the Windward coast and see a ripple in the water too large to be dolphins. I would pull over and get out of my car, sit trained on the water waiting for the next sign. Most often I was not disappointed even though I rarely ever saw such airborne whales as the pictures shown here. Those are truly a gift to catch.
We love our Koholā, and we hope you will too! This graphic is proudly displayed in the top right corner of our truck for all to see. It's displayed to remind everyone of the wonderful gift of the humpback. Aloha nui loa (Very much love)


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