8/08 is National Musubi Day

The area code in Hawaii is 808, so it was only fitting for August 8th to become National Musubi Day. 

Let's give credit where credit is due. Inspired by  Hawai‘i's passionate SPAM® Musubi enthusiasts, in 2021, the L&L franchises (a local restaurant chain) recognized the need to honor this flavorful hand-held snack with its own special day. In an effort to do our part in sharing Hawaiian culture we celebrate 8/08 each year as well.

The origin of Musubi is in question, but I consider Barbara Funamura of Kauai as the person who created this yummy treat. One thing that is 100% certain is that Musubis were created in Hawaii. It's not Japanese, although it is similar to a Maki sushi roll, and based on Barbara's last name I'd guess Barbara is of Japanese descent, or her husband may be. In Korea similar food is referred to as Kimbop.

Spam Musubi are commonly found at the cash registers in convenience stores, or snack food shops all over the islands. One of our favorites is Musubi Cafe Iyasume who has many varieties and several locations. Believe it or not 7-Eleven in Hawaii sells some 3000 Musubi each day. Musubi are picked up with a cup of coffee before a commute to work, stuffed in lunch boxes, backpacks, beach bags and fishing tackles. 

Locals grow up eating Musubi, and while there are many ingredients you can put in a Musubi, the SPAM Musubi is by far the island's favorite.  At Buzz's we offer SPAM, SPAM with sweet egg, Filipino Longganisa and Tofu for vegetarians. As the items picks up in St. Louis we plan to add more varieties

When Buzz's first began offering Musubi from our food truck no one knew what they were. Customers would turn up their noses at the thought of SPAM. We would take ten Musubi to a lunch spot. They wouldn't sell, so we cut them up, and gave them away as samples. Slowly people caught on. Now our food truck takes around 30 of them. We usually run out in the first hour of service.

Our cafe makes Musubi all day, and night long. It warms my heart when I see young people in St. Louis enjoying Musubi. There is one young man who comes in every Thursday with his parents. He runs to the counter to get his Musubi. That's the impact we wanted to have on people, to introduce Hawai'ian food to St. Louis. Especially the youth who will grow up thinking Musubi is just a part of life in St.. Louis. Once people try a Musubi they will fall in love. 

One thing is for sure, Musubi will make you smile. Whether you enjoy them for breakfast, an afternoon snack, as an appetizer, or a late night snack, Musubi are a wonderful comfort food. Many customers grab an extra one, or two, for their breakfast the next day.


One customer purchases twelve right before his power workout. Another uses them as a power snack while he runs marathons. Supporter hand them to him at various places along his route to fuel him for hours.

Enjoy them all year long, but be sure to celebrate this yummy treat on 8/08. 


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